Tag Archives: inspire

What “happens” between us

Posted on 08. Jul, 2010 by .


It’s been an awesome two weeks and particularly the past two days, why so? Well because I experienced first hand what happens between two people when energy is exchanged, shared, and quite simply when an idea, concept, or vision is transformed. Everyday we have opportunities to co-create and yet we’re so unaware of the potential […]

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Assume a position of clarity

Posted on 09. Oct, 2009 by .


It’s easy to just keep on going when you have momentum, yet what if the momentum you find yourself in does not serve your purpose, goals and the truth about who you are and what you want? I call it the treadmill, the ever consuming need to stay in motion because if you sit still […]

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Count down to my free teleseminar – Change the Status Quo

Posted on 24. Sep, 2009 by .


So this is a BIG week for me: new website, new programs: 30 Day Quick Start & 90 Day Intensive, and finally for Friday, my free teleseminar! My eyes are buggy from starring at the computer screen while navigating all the details and setting everything up, plus I have a toddler that just doesn’t seem […]

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At the edge of change – visit me at my new site soon!

Posted on 21. Sep, 2009 by .


The past few days have been busy and my body knows it! Desperately needed to do yoga this morning to work out the kinks. “Mac” and I pulled a few late nights and long days in between family life to bring some changes to Wright Momentum. My new site will be launched in the next […]

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