Tag Archives: listening
What are you waking up to?
Posted on 29. Jul, 2011 by Susan Wright.
The past two weeks have been incredibly rich with gratitude for me. Through the simple act of writing each night, I’m reminded just how easy it is to manifest and acknowledge all that is within us and our connection to each other. There has been a succession of conversations and events that have spilled over […]
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A pain in the neck!
Posted on 22. Jul, 2011 by Susan Wright.
Literally I was in the midst of stretching and yawning at the same time while warming up a cup of coffee and snap – the pain in my neck came back with a vengeance! Over the years, I’ve suffered from the occasional muscle-skeletal flare up from my active lifestyle pursuits and as the familiar story […]
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A mirror reflection for personal insight
Posted on 23. Oct, 2009 by Susan Wright.
You see yourself as intelligent and you’ve “got it together” until one day you have a conversation with someone and wonder what the heck you were thinking. You don’t feel so together, you question your intellectual savvy and just about anything else that you once perceived as true. When this happens (and yes it can, […]