Archive for 'Team Development'
What makes us persist?
Posted on 10. Apr, 2012 by Susan Wright.
Do you ever feel like you’re dragging your feet through the mud, going somewhere although slow, messy, and fraught with resistance? I so get this. So what makes us persist, despite the drag? I think it’s a matter of understanding when we’re truly stuck, versus, on to something new, and potentially life changing. Often clients […]
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What drives change?
Posted on 22. Mar, 2012 by Susan Wright.
Today I read a collection of articles, and although the topics were seemingly diverse; healthcare, innovation, work-life, they are merged on one central theme – change. It’s not overtly stated in the articles, as often change is a big bad scary word! But as my clients and readers know, this is my area of specialty […]
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Practice makes great
Posted on 13. May, 2011 by Susan Wright.
What have you been practicing lately? Anything other than complaining, whining, or doing the same thing over and over? We all know that when we do the same thing over and over, we get a little better at whatever we’re doing; yet eventually, we hit a threshold that may no longer yield a return on […]
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Conscious mindset for positive action
Posted on 01. Apr, 2011 by Susan Wright.
Over dinner with a client last night I was sharing my story of the past few weeks and realized the “reactionary” state we’ve been living in. After having a flood in our basement and a bunch of other unexpected events, we’ve been thrust into making decisions and taking action on items that typically would have […]