Tag Archives: experience

If life is a stage, how will you play?

Posted on 21. Oct, 2010 by .


If life is a stage, then this week was a jumbled mess of obstacles in which I became the juggler, raging mother, and damsel in distress – none of which made for a star performance.  Contrary to a master juggler who has strong focus, timing and rhythm, I had little of that.  Raging Mother, well […]

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Creative tension – in transition

Posted on 20. May, 2010 by .


Living in discomfort, fuzziness with the odd moments of brilliance I acknowledge that I’m in a shift, a transitional period of my life. Just the other night it occurred to me that I went through this similar experience nine years ago; and yet, this time I’m moving from a entirely different place and context. It’s […]

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Once in a blue moon

Posted on 31. Dec, 2009 by .


What will happen once in blue moon? It’s rather intriguing that we may be able to answer this on the dawn of 2010.  The possibilities are endless: a new baby will be born, a first kiss, a moonlit walk, momentary peace between fighting troops, a shooting star, an unexpected phone call, a proposal… According to […]

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Tweaking the plan and communicating it

Posted on 16. Oct, 2009 by .


This is my last post in a series of 4 where I explore the steps to knowing what you want and communicating it! On Tuesday, I left you with the idea that once we know what we want to say or do and ready to take action on some strategies, it’s highly recommended to have […]

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