Where are you now?

Posted on 03. Mar, 2017 by in Change Leadership, Conscious Leadership, Executive and Leadership Coaching, Life Coaching

Today I received a beautiful reminder, “Where you were is a data point…but it doesn’t define where you are now.” More often than not, I’m find myself drawing from and reciting from past experience. I think we do this, unconsciously or consciously, in various ways, and often to demonstrate our credibility or share accounts of what we did, how we did it and the results. However, it doesn’t necessarily suggest what we are capable of now and who we are becoming.

HFF Happy Fence fridayThis point hit me twice today, as earlier, I was listening to music while walking outside and heard the words “You are the future,” by One Republic, a similar message to what I quoted above.  After hearing and seeing these reminders, my spirit lifted, my perspective shifted and I thought to myself, there’s something in this.  So many of us, are on a journey that isn’t well-defined, ambiguous at times and highly uncertain.  Yet, when I asked myself the simple question: Where am I now? The buzz and the worry came to a grinding halt. Full stop.

Go ahead, ask yourself the same question.  It doesn’t have to be a grand response, it might be as simple as “I don’t know?” In that moment though, you give yourself permission to stop, breathe, and recalibrate.  In my experience, instead of marching on with what I thought I ought to do; I listened, felt what was required and did just that.  And doing “just that” may be the seed of what’s to come.

You are capable of so much and in every moment, you are dynamic and very possibly, a better version of those well-defined results of the past.

So where are you now? In the middle of a meeting? Trying to make a decision? Working through a problem? Shift your focus to what you are currently experiencing – go with it, let that anchor you in something very clear. That clarity might be: a sound, a feeling, to what is missing, what is energizing, or what someone has just said.  The clarity may be anything. Only you can hear it and feel it, when you stop and pay attention.

What you are doing and how you are currently handling something, demonstrates who you are and your credibility. As for the results?Well, this depends on where you are now.


Needing to explore your options, or design a new roadmap. I’m here to help, contact me at susan@wrightmomentum.com


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