Tag Archives: success

W-RIGHT iDEAS March Newsletter

Posted on 03. Mar, 2010 by .


March 2010 Dear Friends and Clients: We are still in the first quarter of the year; and yet, I’m aware how quickly the next few weeks will go by. The reality of this awareness suggests it’s time to act, take on every ambition that was set out in January. Despite any resistance I continue to […]

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Taking the long road of persistence

Posted on 29. Jan, 2010 by .


This week I did something that I’ve never done before – I shared my written thoughts in the form of a ebook on my website. Sure I’ve been blogging for sometime now and sharing pieces of my inner landscape and life, but I have never declared “I’ve written a book.” I say this rather tentatively […]

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Assume a position of clarity

Posted on 09. Oct, 2009 by .


It’s easy to just keep on going when you have momentum, yet what if the momentum you find yourself in does not serve your purpose, goals and the truth about who you are and what you want? I call it the treadmill, the ever consuming need to stay in motion because if you sit still […]

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