Are you really free?
Posted on 26. Sep, 2010 by Susan Wright in Life Coaching, Personal and Professional Development
Freedom is something I truly value; however, it was once said to me, “are we ever truly free?” Gosh that made me step back and wonder. I always viewed freedom as a feeling, a way of being, an experience of choice and liberation. As I move along this path of life there are many times in which I’m not truly free; I’m withheld by my own inner doubts, beliefs, and ego. But alas, I stumbled upon myself and collided with others who ultimately are here to learn and discover all that keeps us from being free. It’s within these moments when I humbly grow and discover one more step toward real freedom.
So I wish to share an upcoming course. Being inFreedom, that I believe will enlighten and evoke all that is keeping you from your best self. If it’s anything like the Being inAction course I took this past June, then you’re in for a life changing experience and one that will take you further along this path, in freedom.
The course is being offered October 22-24th, 2010. An information evening is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept 28th, please contact Aletheia Group for more information. If this is something that resonates with you (read course description) just send me an email or give me a call. If you know someone who can benefit from having freedom in their life please pay it forward. This could be the change someone has been waiting for.
Be free!