W-RIGHT iDEAS September Newsletter
Posted on 01. Sep, 2009 by Susan Wright in W-RIGHT iDEAS Newsletter
September 2009
Dear Friends and Clients:
It’s beautiful outside except for the noise of diggers and heavy machinery dismantling a park across the street. This actually is a welcome surprise and demonstrates to me that is it worth voicing a need for change or renovation in a neighbourhood. When we first moved into our humble home I was pleased to have a bit of green space to look out upon and then eventually see my son take his first run and spot airplanes in the sky there. Two years ago I met with our local city councillor, an urban planner and parks supervisor to initiate discussion about the depressed state of the park, surrounding street and the possibility of something more esthetically pleasing, safe and inviting. I’m pleased to say, after a long summer strike by city workers, that action has just started at 6:30 am this morning!
Why am I sharing this, well if I hadn’t spoken up and cared enough, maybe nothing would have been done and it’s that kind of thing that each of us can do to make a difference in some way. I appreciate those who listened and took the time to investigate this area that had been forgotten. There are many things that compete for our attention and resources and until we take the first step in asking, inviting a conversation to happen or raise a flag, then often things go amiss. It’s personally rewarding to know that I can make a small difference in my neighbourhood but I certainly can’t do it alone and I think each of us, in our own way, can be or do something to forward action in some area of needed change. As the summer months pass and September brings a host of activity, consider what might be the area you can make a claim, take initiative or simply voice a concern that gets something noticed.
I invite you to read my short article below and see what’s new for fall in the Coach’s Corner.
Healthy Regards,
Time standing still
Ever wonder why things slow down even when we are wanting so much more out of life and business? I do. Then I consider that even when I want something so badly it may not show up just as I envision or hope for. I have to understand that things do slow down because if they didn’t then it’s really hard to notice what has to change or rather what has to be given up or taken care of. On a broader sense, I think the recession that our economy is in, has come for a reason much greater than we realize.
On most accounts the recession is seen as negative, I don’t really believe this to be the case. Although many families and businesses have suffered some hardship, it has drawn attention to those things that must be changed, resourced differently and hopefully brought about a deeper sense of what has effectiveness, importance and meaning (and what needs some care). Business for instance, has had to become more open to scrutiny, the voice of it’s marketplace and the employee within it. Individuals and families have had to “make do†or totally up root and find the power to change what once brought security and comfort. The structure of our lives and businesses suddenly change or rather dismantle.
The park across the street fenced in by wire, that has shown it’s worn, will now open and possibly draw in new people and kids to play, read and sit. The business that built it’s reputation on it’s process and structure for profit will now have to innovate and draw upon a new type of investment and method of effectiveness. Habits will change and new one’s will form.
Time will take on new meaning so that we get clear on what will bring value and satisfaction. Rather than time standing still, it will take on another rhythm as we become invested in something we have never had the time to see, notice or change. We all get caught up in the business of doing and producing and sometimes without the results we want. As well, on a larger scale I believe this recession has forced us to become more human again; to really see that business and the time we invest in people, resources and processes takes care, presence and trust.
Get centered, get strong, get moving. Pilates class begins again, September 14th Start your week of well with a Monday night class at 6:00 p.m. Class held at Body Pump Inc. # 9 St. Nicholas Street.
Please register in advance by email or phone so I can provide equipment for all participants.Struggle with making a decision, taking the next step or making a change? Then follow my blog and tweets for some inspiration or better yet, you are invited to join me for “Seven Steps to Change the Status Quo for your Life and Business†Teleclass offered Sept 25th – it’s free, just email to register.
Back-track to my June newsletter: my “call†below is still up for notice. Contact me if this aligns with your current need or something you are interested in supporting.
A Call to all Toronto business owners, directors and partners in the wellness, alternative health or fitness industry:
- Do you desire some change in your current business and are you ready to take your business to the next level?
- Are you needing some objectivity and guidance?
- Are you interested to know what your business neighbours are doing well?
- Are you looking for ways to share resources and trusted referals?
OPPORTUNITY: WM is forming a new network, with the intention to offer coaching in the most cost effective way and additionally you get to tap into a mastermind group. For more details contact info@wrightmomentum.com
Thank you for reading this email announcement. Please contact Susan if you have any questions either by email info@wrightmomentum.com, or by phone at 416-789-1771.