Step into choice

Posted on 13. Jan, 2010 by in Life Coaching

What are you choosing to do this year? The other night I had an opportunity to get really clear on my goals and subsequent activities to accomplish this year.  This is something I’m comfortable doing and enjoy; however, this thought occurred to me today – what if those goals and activities don’t provide the meaning or success I desire? And furthermore, is it possible that these very goals may set me up for failure? This last question is debatable.

First of all, I don’t view taking on a new challenge or doing something that doesn’t turn out as failure. The failure is when we don’t act or at least try. When we choose not to act, we run the risk of staying in the same rut or situation that made us feel less satisfied and possibly less successful.  The goals that you create for yourself or your business have a timeliness to them and often are associated with something important.  However, I think it’s fair to say: not all goals are created equal.  Therefore, some may actually impede our progress as they may take our focus into something that doesn’t yield the results we intend. Does this set us up for failure – not necessarily, it just diffuses our efforts and therefore our plan.

This is why setting priorities can supersede the formation of goals. Consider this, what areas of your life and business if you were to put more energy and focus on, would yield a significant and valuable return? That’s a tough question because sometimes we just don’t know. This is when the use of a professional coach can really be helpful; they may see things from another angle, notice your blind spots, and simply zoom in on the issue that holds you back. By generating some priorities, you will come up with some concrete things you want to develop or change. Next is the tricky part: figuring out what activities outweigh others and noticing what priorities will yield greater achievement with a tight focus. Similar to the 80/20 principle.

Okay, so the priority area may still be a bit murky, but what’s not, is you actually making a choice to do something and doing it.  If you waiver here, then no movement will happen, nothing will change. The great thing about stepping into choice – you create more freedom to express what it is you want and life in turn will provide the options. Some of those options may not align with your original goals and they may not even be priority, but what they signify is your expansion and willingness to grow.  Interestingly, as you step into choice challenges will appear before you and these are necessary ingredients for learning.  What you will gather in the process is a clearer understanding of what your priorities ought to be, and what, who, and how will support you in accomplishing your goals.

Rather than play the “what if” game or generating a lengthy “to-do” list, why not step into choice and take on something that will challenge you in ways that can only lead to a path of success.

Do something now!


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