A new day – life in motion

Posted on 26. Jan, 2010 by in Life Coaching

I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders since receiving a plan to manage my toddler’s health issue.  It has taken more than a year, and certainly many failed attempts, to get a treatment plan for my son’s chronic skin irritation. Today really is a new day as that constant source of stress has been thankfully diminished and we can move forward. Now I can actually take hold of my ambitions and gladly share them knowing that I have some control over a situation that felt unmanageable.

Life is full of stressors and many of those are quite manageable given the right guidance, strategies, and plans. What I have come to learn are three things: the benefits of persistence, consciousness, and practical plans.

  1. Persistence – affords the opportunity to find the answers and reap the rewards.
  2. Consciousness -  demonstrates care, discerns, and generates regard.
  3. Practical plans – mobilize and create change.

I think we can all remember a time in our lives or business where persistence was necessary despite the stress or obstacles in the way. The consciousness that I experienced most recently with my son’s care highlighted the importance of professionalism, attention, and collaboration. Practical plans are something I have often felt necessary for success and positive outcomes. In the coming weeks I will share my thoughts on these as I take on my own ambition, as well as, supporting those who come to me with their own life challenges and ambitions.

Given today is a new start, I have posted the introduction and first chapter of my ebook. This is something I have persistently worked on in collaboration with the experiences of my clients, family, and of course, those who help me along the way. I invite you to join a discussion on my fan page about what I have written as this will lead up to a talk I’m doing on February 2nd for the Virtual Success Expo, which starts this Thursday, January 28th.  Let’s generate a conversation that builds our capacity for change. It starts with you and builds through our collective experience and collaboration.

What thought, plan, or experience will put you in motion today?


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One Response to “A new day – life in motion”

  1. Chenel

    19. May, 2010

    Love your site!

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