Tweaking the plan and communicating it
Posted on 16. Oct, 2009 by Susan Wright in Life Coaching
This is my last post in a series of 4 where I explore the steps to knowing what you want and communicating it! On Tuesday, I left you with the idea that once we know what we want to say or do and ready to take action on some strategies, it’s highly recommended to have a plan. A plan is like a road map, giving you the signs that you are moving in the right direction and if you come up against a detour – I call this “tweaking” the plan (step 6).
Tweak as you go
Great plans do require flexibility and enough structure that you don’t get lost along the way! The framework of the plan may be based on clearly articulated goals, outcomes and indicators of success; however, if the framework does not allow room to maneuver then you can easily get stuck with a flat tire. Not all aspects of a plan will meet your satisfaction or comfort level, if that’s the case, steer at a slight angle to manage the growth curve, add a little extra gas, find an alternative route; all of which may get you back on the open road.
When you are on course with your plan, the signs are posted and it’s important that you look around & notice. Personally I know when I’m on track; there are moments of synchronicity, validation and I’m supported by positive energy (people & ideas that present themselves in a timely & supportive way). Find all the road signs and signals that indicate progress and make some quick U-turns if you run off course. The U-turn may just bring you back to your last step and help you navigate and choose a better strategy or tune in to something you missed the first pass.
Communicate what you intend & your process for getting to what you want (step 7)
Now if the plan doesn’t allow you to maneuver around an obstacle or challenge, then you might need to reconsider if you have some viable options and strategies to assist you in moving forward. Every plan requires a few tools in the trunk. Besides having a few “tools” it’s helpful to communicate where you are going. Warning, don’t let your ego get in the way of asking for directions, having a navigator by your side or enlisting a passerby. It’s about communicating what you want and engaging all those who you encounter in your plan.
Each of us think & feel uniquely about how to achieve our stated mission. When you are transparent about your process and the course you’re potentially asking others to participate in, there’s a level of trust and cooperation that ensues. Creativity and mutual collaboration puts everyone in motion and the road map becomes far more dynamic and interesting.
Now for my final question (wouldn’t be very “coachee” of me without one!): Consider – What are you most passionate to see and experience in your life and business?
Believe in what is it you want and claim it out loud!
Daring you to move beyond the status quo,