Tag Archives: confidence

Ready for a change?

Posted on 23. Sep, 2011 by .


I’ve had a few too many challenges in 2011 than I’d like to experience, some out of my control and some I’ve created. Yes, I’ve stirred up trouble in a few areas of my life and deep down I know it’s because I’m changing. You know that unsettled, irritated, and somewhat disenchanted feeling? Well yes […]

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Starting new

Posted on 01. Dec, 2009 by .


It feels odd to write “starting new” when it’s December 1st and the last month of the year. For me, it’s something I have to do consciously everyday to achieve the results I want; and more so, to stay in the  process of change, no matter how uncomfortable. Just yesterday I told a friend that […]

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Increasing demands forsaking your well-being?

Posted on 30. Oct, 2009 by .


What! It’s Oct 30th! The month has gone by so fast! Catch yourself saying this or noticing how busy life is? It’s no surprise since we live full dynamic lifestyles that demand our energy, time and resources. You give a lot, do a lot and still there’s more. It’s not easy to shut down by […]

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Coaching yourself – does it work?

Posted on 20. Oct, 2009 by .


You are great at coaching others but “you suck at coaching yourself” is the comment I received today. Well not exactly encouraging and not very specific.  So rather than asking a question to clarify such a lofty comment I went into a state of defense. I explained how much I have executed in a short […]

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