Get on board for change!

Posted on 20. Apr, 2016 by in Change management, Conscious Leadership, Life Coaching, Organizational Development

I’m now standing on the train with two feet. Having left the familiarity of the platform, I’ve come to another revelation: To move forward on my path of change, I need both a strategy and a structure.

As you may have experienced, once you make a decision to head in a certain direction, the scenery starts to unfold – and quickly!  In this unfolding we often experience increased energy, enthusiasm, and conviction. The upside is obvious: We are moving toward a new experience. The downside: Without a plan of action and support, we are left wavering toward our aim.

Two JourneysThe beauty of moving toward a new destination, endeavor or goal, is the myriad of colourful opportunities that lie before us. Choosing among these can be challenging – and time consuming! We have places to go and people to see. We have a zillion new activities on our agenda as well as the regular day-to-day things to manage.  What comes next can appear quickly and disappear just as swiftly! We might choose to execute on what seems most important and urgent and not tend to the little things that matter. Among the energy and enthusiasm there can also be confusion, delusion, and disorganization! Having a plan for making choices is key.

In comes “the strategy” – the essential ingredient in any major change initiative. You become the strategist and the lead communicator. If you’re in start-up mode for your new venture or business, it might be you alone. If you’re the CEO or company director, you may need to enlist some support to map out your strategy. Developing the actions to stay on-board and on-direction is one thing, managing it all is another!

In comes “the structure.”  Structure is my way of knowing how I can be effective with my time, resources, and energy.  It is also the way we organize to reach our destination.  If we are fortunate, we hire a diligent project manager, someone who holds the targets (and people) to account and calculates our risks along the way. In personal change, we are both the lead strategist and project manager – not to mention the counselor, coach and champion!

Regardless of whether you are the only one standing on the train or you bring an entire team along with you, you will need to invest in having a strategy and structure. As the scenery unfolds and momentum takes hold, don’t forget the value of sitting down to map out a strategy (a napkin will suffice) and prepare for the next stop.

If you’re wavering, feeling unclear, and unprepared for the next stop – let’s talk.


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