When to sharpen the edge

Posted on 29. Sep, 2009 by in Life Coaching

Ever wonder how many people actually come out of their home to get their knives and scissors sharpened, when the man in the truck clangs the bell to alert he’s doing business on your street? It’s a familiar sound and one that’s been around neighbourhoods for decades, I remember as a kid seeing the same truck pass by our house every few weeks or so.  As I was on my run today, I approached that same familiar truck and thought wow, some businesses stay and never change.

In that moment a quirky, somewhat amusing thought ran through my mind; imagine if a flood of people came storming out of their houses wielding knives, scissors and push mowers all to be grinded and sharpened at once!  Each eagerly forming a queue for the one man show of finesse and skill by the man, dressed in the same old blue cover-alls laced with a scent of grease. I wonder, would he hurry?  Would he diligently handle each case with care and address each customer with pride and thanks?

Like many small businesses, some of the key elements never do change. There’s a signature sound, name, colour and approach. Is it these seemingly insignificant things that enable them to survive or is it simply that a person arrives at your door step to offer some really useful service? I’m starting to understand that the on-line community is not far from this. It’s a virtual door , a moving truck to whatever it is you need.

An on-line business may have a media clip to introduce it’s service (the bell) , a familiar look and a consistent approach or person behind it. So I’ve decided why not do the same, what I do hasn’t necessarily changed but the way in which I share it with my neighbours is beginning to. I started to implement this change last friday with my free teleseminar. It is with great intention that I share some of what I know, whether it be qualified as art or skill, I’m will not profess; however, it is what it is -  a service that rings a bell to simply let people know that someone is around the corner when it’s time to sharpen one’s life and grind out the edges that have gotten dull.

Three things come to mind when I consider what not to change in business (and life):

  • Authenticity
  • A valued skill or craft
  • A personal touch

One thing comes to mind when I consider what to change:

  • A dull or rusty edge!

So for the sharpening & grinding service I guess that’s why it has stood the test of time! Beyond this, I find it somewhat intriguing that these services are so much part of our neighbourhoods and stay around for so many years. Is it their trademark-sound, the steady clang as they stroll by? Is it the fact that we all use the tools that require this service? Is it simply so personal and on our door step that keep’s it alive? I really have no grand assessment of how these services stay in business but what I did notice is this – By hearing and seeing that truck today, a smile escaped across my face with a feeling of an old familiar and trusted experience. This moment somehow made me chuckle a little and view the changing way of life and business with a little more ease.


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