What impression do you make?
Posted on 23. Feb, 2012 by Susan Wright in Life Coaching
After learning the sad news of a friend’s death on Sunday Feb 19th, I was struck by the overall impression that resonated throughout the comments exchanged between all that knew him, including those of my own. It seems to me, that this “impression” is really a person’s essence – what he/she brings to this life and how it touches others.
Throughout the week I had memories come to mind, and rather than the details, I felt this friend’s essence – their “being” and the experience of being in their presence. There are several characteristics or traits that come to mind when I think of Jason; genuine, caring, fun, “full of life,” and a great dry wit. But what I, and imagine others will agree, it’s how we felt in the moment of exchange – talking, laughing, playing, working etc.
I meet so many people in my coaching work and more often than not, it’s that person’s essence that comes into awareness. It’s who they are being, how they make others feel, what impression they make; not what they do or how much they produce that comes to mind. When someone begins to recognize their essence, their potential to create, change, and grow becomes even greater. In your life and work you’ll get things done, but it’s important to ask – how did it get done? The results, quality, and effectiveness of relationships in work and life plays out through our essence.
Our friend leaves this life as we know it, yet his essence lives. That’s something to truly celebrate. In fact, Jason “requested” that a celebration of his life be held and that will be. I’m humbled to write this, and for those of us who had an opportunity to meet or know Jason, we received a true gift – the essence of a beautiful being.