
Posted on 24. Oct, 2007 by in Life Coaching

So what does one write when feeling uninspired? I have deliberately avoided blogging for the past 2 weeks since having a small sewage back up in our basement-YUK! among other personal issues, being pregnant 6 months and my 2 1/2 year old waking me up every night because he weirdly feels “scared”. Well Halloween is coming and who knows what’s going on in that little head, but I know my big head is feeling tired and somewhat apathetic. These aren’t exactly inspirational thoughts spuing from a “Lifestyle Coach”, however, this is my reality and I suppose part of my current lifestyle.

The anxiety of another child on its way, while dealing with house issues, dust and whatever else flies my way is just enough for me to say….well nothing really inspiring. Yet, deeply I somehow know there’s a test or challenge in all this, not exactly intellectual, which I’m so craving, but rather one of self-management. My emotions are elevated-yes it’s pregnancy hormones and stress, however no excuse for self pity and hard judgement.

So it has become clear that motherhood, entrepreneurship, family life and what ever elso comes knocking at my door is more often than not, a challenge in self-management. I actually don’t like that term, but it somehow works. So with this observation, I will talk less, listen more and acknowledge that this is a great time of transition which often comes with turbulence and angst.

The interesting thing is that many of my clients go through the very same thing, and that’s why they come to me-to cope with the turbulence and move on to a better and more fulfilling lifestyle. So my judgement side is brewing, how can I possibly coach someone else when I’m trying to manage my own stuff? Well, I think it makes me human, real and at least somewhat inspired to know that sharing, writing and shedding some perspective on a situation makes a huge difference in moving out of the turbulence into clarity.

Oh and just for today, I’m going to pull weeds out of my garden and plant some bulbs-that way, I get a little more rooted and have some perspective over my own life and at least what I sow….

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