Thinking about your health?
Posted on 03. Nov, 2009 by Susan Wright in Life Coaching
Sometimes there is too much information about health, and this often causes confusion and inaction. When thinking about your health consider: what food choices to make, ways to reduce stress and physical activities you enjoy. Immediately you may seek out some information to inform you about your health choices and options; and yet, get totally mind-jacked by every possible solution, recommendation or latest trend in the marketplace. As someone who values health and weaves it into every aspect of my life, I too, can get “mind-jacked.”
What do I mean by this? Every decision and possible action you have about health enhancing activities gets taken over by the relentless pursuit of needing more information, more facts or more advice. You purchase yet another book on diet, you consult with everyone and anyone, you read the headlines, you get scared, you DO NOTHING. That is the worst possible scenario. The mind is taken over by apprehension, mistrust and fear.
I wonder if that is what’s happening to health strategies around the world? Globally, it appears we can’t form consensus since there is confusion and distrust in the ideas and possible solutions that are generated across sectors. In addition, the means by which health information is communicated is very important as it informs not only global health initiatives but also our own personal choices and decisions. We don’t make decisions about our health and consequently take action in a vacuum; we generally do seek out information that is communicated from a variety of sources.
That being said, I’m attempting to communicate directly to you. You’re probably an individual with a busy lifestyle who is aware of the benefits of personal health and overall well-being. My hope is to raise your level of engagement in your health because if you aren’t taking care of your health, then who will? We have a strong and complex public health system in Canada; and yet, we are still ultimately responsible to make choices and decisions to act on the resources and information available to us. There are plenty of healthy alternatives, ultimately it’s a matter of doing something that makes sense for you and your lifestyle. It’s about doing something that helps you manage the changes in life and deal with every day stresses. Reality is that life is busy, full and often feels out of control. But not everything is! Your health is actually one thing in which you can invest consistently over time, so when a health recession ensues you are more apt to overcome its challenge with the reserves you have accumulated.
Go ahead! Do a little research, think about what it means to be healthy. Source out some information and facts. Just don’t get so caught up in a debate about what’s best, that you don’t do anything at all. Create a list of healthy options, ones that can easily be implemented with a few actions done consistently over time. Health is about taking care of your body, mind and spirit and surely you can do some simple and effective things to boost your immunity and create more energy and vitality.
So, here are a few actions you can take to bring clarity when it comes to your health. As for global health strategies, let me think about that for another post. For now, your health strategies are what matter.
Consider these mindful practices to move yourself toward total health:
- Take five minutes in the morning to check-in with yourself i.e you may notice feeling tired or anxious, if this is the case, be gentle with yourself and others.
- Breathe slowly and deeply throughout your day & notice when you are not consciously breathing.
- Make a conscious choice to: 1) take a route to work or elsewhere (grocery store, gym, library) that involves sustained physical movement, 2) eat well, 3) be grateful for what is, 4) request support, 5) invest in your health.
Engage in health practices as you think about your life and business!
Healthy regards,