
Posted on 18. Mar, 2008 by in Life Coaching

Don’t you love it when you read something that resonates with your own experience or explicitly states something that is so timely and true? I had that experience this past week while reading a chapter in Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth. As I read, I came across the same words that a friend had sent me the day before during a desperate time. I had had a rough week and my emotions were volatile but the encouraging words of “this, too, will pass” sent by a friend surfaced again as I read the chapter. Clearly, some awareness and learning was taking place. During this desperate time, this statement was comforting and much more meaningful then I realized.

Just a week prior I had sent out my newsletter referring to Tolle’s book and since then more synchronous moments have occurred including the one above. I had no idea when writing my newsletter story that Oprah had started a weekly webcast with this author. WOW, I thought. I am somehow connected to the message of this book and better yet I received the necessary reinforcement through emails and those I have relationships with.

So today I’ve chosen to do the same and share this message: whatever your situation; challenging, hopeful, joyous, sad, remember, “this, too, will pass.” By understanding this we become less attached to the content or “form” in our lives and more aligned with the big picture or our present being. This is a gift when life or circumstances are less than pleasant or predictable. It also speaks to the fluidity and impermanence of life. So rather than getting fixed on an issue, thing or situation, we roll with it and move beyond which creates just enough space to free us up a little.

To read my perspective on “presence” check out my story called “Now”
or to link into Oprah and Eckhart Tolle’s webcast visit:

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