Key elements to support in a time of change
Posted on 01. Apr, 2010 by Susan Wright in Life Coaching
I’m writing outside today and it’s absolutely perfect; clear blue sky, moderate temperature, and the surrounding landscape is coming alive. In my last blog post I wrote about listening, observing, and paying attention to the signs of change and the positive effect that results in taking care and connecting most intimately with our own landscape. Sitting among trees and sunshine I’m connecting with the inner experience of being: relaxed, mindful, playful, and ready for some lunch (nutrition); key elements in nurturing transition and growth.
Often you don’t have to look or go far to access these elements, but rather, create the time and space to experience them. This is really crucial when life and work just don’t let up – many of us have busy lifestyles and lots of so called “stress.” It is with this season of renewal and new life it’s a little easier to notice a shift in energy and a natural desire to “take care.” So by simply noticing or allowing the experience to transpire then we are beginning to awaken ourselves enough to say “now what can I do.”
What is the support you are needing right now at this time in your life?
What key element will support you?
It may be focusing on your thoughts: being mindful of those day-to-day thoughts that creep in and either serve you well or backfire despite good intention. It may be stopping to re-organize, clean up the mess, and create enough space (inwardly and outwardly) to move forward. It may be taking time to be in something so captivating that you lose all track of time – leisure and play. It may also be a time to do a “cleanse” removing toxins in the body and reintroducing the nutrition that your body so readily requires. There are many options to entertain; however, how you take action is by making a choice – a choice to do something that truly takes care of you.
Taking action can be as simple as sitting outside, like I did today, being in an environment that supports my well-being. Taking action in these suggested “key elements” can come from learning with others, talking to someone, or asserting your needs, and creating the parameters in which you can be free to engage in all of it. The “how” may be preceded with a “yes” and then look out to see what shows up! In managing any type of change, we must remember to be responsible to ourselves and pay attention to those deeply rooted needs…for when we do, we’ll unfold with energy and a sense of well-being.
Experience this long weekend through those key elements and observe what may blossom.
May you be well.
Jeffrey Eisen
01. Apr, 2010
Great message. Thanks for sharing it.
Susan Wright
08. Apr, 2010
Gladly. It is at these times when people like yourself show up to support and nurture our collective soul.