Finding rhythm in the new year

Posted on 06. Jan, 2010 by in Life Coaching

I haven’t quite got my rhythm back yet, I’m really scrambling to find it after the holidays. In a progressive attempt to find rhythm I began with my basement – yes, the dreaded basement with its boxes and layers of things once used, never used, and stored for another season or event.  Interestingly, this was the first time in a long time that I didn’t think about anything; except, the order in which I was placing things and what needed to be given away or tossed.  I suppose this was the beginning of my clearing and it continues this week.

“Out with the old, in with the new,” an expression that definitely suggests a change, movement, and transition. As you move into a new year, what are you bringing forward, creating, and leaving behind?  There may be ideas and plans generated in the latter part of 2009 carried forward and there may be those that no longer serve your life or purpose.  Often it’s the choice of what we will leave behind that is frightening. There is a certain sense of nostalgia we hold that can potentially get in the way of moving forward or simply creating something much more aligned with who we are and what we want or need.

Often what we need to leave behind are negative beliefs that unconsciously holds us back.  Stepping into a positive and powerful choice takes guts. I know this because clients I coach and even myself, can easily get caught sitting on the fence or staying with what feels comfortable. Feelings of unsettling energy and ambiguity are often misinterpreted as overwhelming – although I won’t deny the unwieldy “to do” list that was generated in my mind this week. At this time, it’s essential to step into choice and do something to focus that elusive energy. This energy can be used to create and bring the ideas, strategies, actions, and plans forward. It’s also a good time to prioritize the list.

Once the choice or choices are made, then it’s time to discover a rhythm that works for you.  It may start with clearing out old files, the closet, or the basement; to begin a process of focused intent and clear directed activity. I know once I get through my mental and physical clutter and clear space, the doors will open and I will settle into a rhythm that aligns with all that I intend.

Take time to ask yourself what you want to create and leave behind. Get ready for a remarkable and successful year!

Find flow,


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One Response to “Finding rhythm in the new year”

  1. Ron Foss

    12. Jan, 2010

    An interesting read…I think the most impactful notion you suggest is that of “choice”. As you know I think goals, actions and accomplishments are very powerful and can build momentum that can transfer to other or newer goals. The feeling of accomplishment can inspire.

    What must be equally examined are priorities and ones ability to accomplish some of the more challenging goals that are inevitably in front of us all. In my coaching practice I often see some goals as avoidance to happily skip out on what are often the more important ones.

    Doing the fun things first is an easy way to never get to the tough ones yet I would put forth that the feeling of accomplishment is less and the person is still feeling unfulfilled and perhaps even overwhelmed.

    The key is to tackle the really tough priorities first, obtain success and then the fun stuff is really fun. Plus the feeling of accomplishment is over the top and momentum for some unrecognizable.

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