Distractions in the day of a Life Coach
Posted on 21. Aug, 2009 by Susan Wright in Life Coaching
My plan to deal with paper, books, mail and receipt clutter and the execution of it started last night. First I swept away the dust behind my dresser and among the books & notes that lie beside my bed. Then I sat there on the floor once again caught up in reading the material instead of clearing and sorting it! Further to my plan was a “lights off” rule at 10:30 p.m. and a short list to pay bills and sort receipts today. Well, let’s just say my intention was good my execution feeble! Why you ask (and shame on the Life Coach) – well because clearly paying bills is not exciting and filing paper really doesn’t turn me on.
Much more exciting was talking with a client today about how to deal with overwhelm, performance, expectations and the loop of anxiety. We addressed the underlying stuff that comes up and of course the fear. We also created a new frame from which to execute plans and feel a sense of control and trust. In reflection of that conversation, I can add how quickly distractions can make things even less productive or focused. Take my day for example, it started with a toddler waking up at 5 am (not cool) then back for a few zzz’s, off to daycare then morning run, breakfast and email check in. Okay all going well, until I decided that I’d better look into fall registration, scheduling of work, research for my work, waiting for “handy man” to show up to fix leaky faucet….And GUESS WHAT – I haven’t even paid one bill or filed one receipt! What can I say, the small stuff really doesn’t interest me or get my mojo going, however, the big stuff like taking on a new challenge or coaching someone through change- that’s much more engaging!
Reality is that there are boring or routine things that must be done in order to feel a sense of order and organization so there is room for the big things and a sense of peace. That said, just know that in managing the distractions a whole lot more can be achieved that is purposeful and satisfying. This Life Coach does have a full life of family, clients, work and yes at times overwhelming yet perspective on managing my expectations, time and priorities can really make a difference between success or headache!