Back on Track

Posted on 20. Jul, 2009 by in Life Coaching

What happens when we lose sight of our plan, lose control or go off track and derail? More often than not, we go on a self-loathing rant, focus on the derailment and generally feel overwhelmed by the idea of getting back on track again. Coming from the perspective of a learner, a leader, or simply change, here is an opportunity for course correction! It’s also a great time to notice what the heck got in the way or what, where and how control was lost. There will continually be things to pull us off track that’s just life’s way of making sure we are paying attention and really invested in our plan or see the value and commitment in it.

So rather than get caught up in “should haves,” yesterday or looking to fault the engineer; I’ll offer up the alternative: look at what issues might have arisen and got overlooked prior to derailment, and once in check MOVE ON! It’s not nice or productive to wallow in judgement or shame; however it is responsible to own up and create a better strategy or align resources to reduce the variables of significant risk or negative impact on the next course of action.
Whether it be an individual, team or organization, taking time to check in, re-establish a position of strength or capacity and look ahead with a commitment to success is worthwhile, necessary and accountable.
Things do happen and although unfortunate, there is always an opportunity to course correct – just be open to looking at the options, reviewing the plan and taking another step.

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