Stay on purpose in a November drizzle
Posted on 24. Nov, 2009 by Susan Wright in Life Coaching
This morning, I got up, did the usual routine, and then, landed in front of my computer feeling like the dreary weather. As I trickled over my work I was neither struck by any profound idea or refreshed by light thoughts. I went outward to seek a humourous antidote for my drizzling disposition, only to find ineffective and sobering images. “Where are my funny people?” I thought. Where are the stories and images that create a feeling of infusion, lightness, and laughter?
It’s often the people in our lives who can bring us the joy of laughter and remind us to tread lightly despite the seriousness of our ambition. Who can really achieve great things when they are mired in the doom and gloom of everyday monotony? We need people and stories to uplift and move us. We need simple gestures of affection and positive regard. We need a sounding board to simply listen and clear our way.
To stay on purpose can temporarily feel like November drizzle – not really making significant impact but lightly contacting everything. What comes along can be grounding and supportive; or the opposite, distracting and unsettling. You might see yourself staying on purpose yet waiting for a bolt of thunder or heavy rain to indicate a significant change resulting in some movement or growth. This is a time to be consistent, observant, and adaptable. This time may require a layer of protection so that you don’t feel like a wet shirt hung out to dry. Literally, when you make a change for the better it comes with a feeling of vulnerability, as well as trepidation. You may start tracking every single effort to find your greatest return, but it may be too early to see any fruitful evidence. You must endure the drizzle a little longer.
As I look out my window, I feel a sense of openness and yet what is reflected back isn’t so bright. What is important to recognize here is not so much what I see; but rather, what I feel. When we feel on track – directed in our efforts and activities – then we feel at ease and light. However, when we feel stuck – helpless or too close to the edge – then possibly we are too impatient to wait for the results or outcomes. It may be helpful to just notice where we are and what is surrounding us. It may be useful to focus on one aspect that signals change and positive growth.
There are many images and stories that can infuse light on a moment that feels damp and misty. I definitely need them to lighten to my determined ambition. I’m grateful to those who can inject humour or perspective into a situation when I can’t. I need my funny people, or at least those who can keep it real. So where are they? The images and stories are within me and my people are around me; I just need to be open to receive them.
So, for you my dear reader: What are the stories and images that create a feeling of infusion, lightness, and laughter for you? The antidote might just be within your reach – trust the voice that says, “yes, I’m on purpose and it feels right.”