No excuses
Posted on 01. Nov, 2007 by Susan Wright in Life Coaching
It’s far easier to do the things that we are comfortable with rather than those that seem difficult, challenging or good for us! How many times have you made excuses for yourself and even worse for someone else? Why do we do this? Well just as I suggested, we are all creatures of habit and feeling comfortable is “nice.” Yet more often than not, those habits just no longer work for us, even when we know better. We defend our actions, choices and behaviours because somehow the alternatives seem less attractive or IMPOSSIBLE!
But what’s even more interesting is when we make excuses for someone else. We’ve all done it and usually because if we didn’t then we’d be owning up to our own flaws and challenges. Some how it’s easier to defend another’s actions and choices because it simply allows us to pass judgement, blame or once again justify our own stuff!
BUT it is POSSIBLE to try new things, make healthier choices and learn new behaviours. First of all, we are highly adaptable and by injecting a little flexibility and positive attitude you’re on your way to a better way of living and being. As well, once you recognize where your defences lie, your insight and wisdom will clear your path to stronger intention.
So first steps: 1) Stop making excuses! 2) do one thing that you can be proud of (makes you smile inside), 3) repeat that one thing 4) repeat that one thing again, 5) tell someone who will regard or reinforce your positive choice, action or behaviour (don’t share with someone who will “rain on your parade”), 6) when the next excuse emerges, turn down the volume and remember how better it feels to stand in integrity and honesty.
Most importantly know that making healthy choices and actions are POSSIBLE once you decide to take responsibility for your life and that’s far less a burden than taking care of someone elses!
“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.” -SENECA